Wheat grass that is! 

Do you know the benefits of this power house of a grass? 
One Shot of Wheatgrass Juice =

  • One ounce contains 103 vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • One ounce of wheatgrass juice represents as much nutritional value as approximately 2.5 pounds of fresh green vegetables.
  • Wheatgrass juice is high in chlorophyll.
  • It is very high in vitamins A, B-Complex, C, E and K.
  • Wheatgrass juice is a natural source of laetrile (B-17).
  • It contains beta-carotene, which is found in red, green and yellow pigmented fruits and vegetables.  Beta-carotene acts as a scavenger against harmful molecules flowing naturally through the body or through toxins inhaled from cigarette smoke, air pollution and other damaging sources.
  • Wheatgrass cleanses, purifies and feeds the body by activating the white blood cells, which boost the body's immune system.
  • Wheatgrass juice is also beneficial for people who need to lose weight or cleanse their bodies.

WHAT IS SO GREAT ABOUT WHEATGRASS (even after all of the above)?  Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is anti-aging.  Chlorophyll is condensed sunlight.

All vegetables are food factories.  Each excels in different nutrient areas.  Because eggs have 12% protein, meat 17%, and whole leaf grass 25%, we can define wheatgrass as a protein food ( pretty cool huh?)

Wheatgrass is a complete life sustaining food. Based on animal studies, if you had to choose one food for survival, it ought to be wheatgrass.  After all, grasses are the primary food for domestic and wild grazing animals and some pretty large ones at that (cows, horses, goats, sheep, buffalo, deer, and giraffes).

Wheatgrass is a wonderfully balanced source of nutrients.  Excellent for all minerals major and minor, it is especially high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace minerals such as zinc and selenium.  All are important for cardiovascular and immune system function.  Grass is a source for all B-vitamins including folic acid, pantothenic acid, an abundance of choline, and is a vegetable source of B-12.


  • AN ENERGIZER:  The vitality obtained from wheatgrass juice is remarkable.  Two ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the nutritional value of roughly 4 pounds of organic green vegetables in vitamin and mineral content.  On an empty stomach, it is assimilated into the blood in about 20 minutes.  The vitality lasts throughout the day.
  • NUTRITIONAL:  Wheatgrass juice is a complete food that can be taken orally with no toxic side effects.  It contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance.  It is also a complete protein with about 30 enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll.
  • A BLOOD BUILDER:  Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar.  Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and release free oxygen.  This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic bacteria (a disease-producing micro-organism).  Wheatgrass juice has been shown to build red blood cells quickly after ingestion.  It normalizes high blood pressure and stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth.
  • A BODY CLEANSER:  The many detergent factors of wheatgrass juice can drain the lymph system, carrying away many toxins from all body cells.  When an imbalance or injury exists (examples:  sore tendons or joints; degenerative disease; etc.), there is a natural build-up of mucous in the lymph particular to that area.  This mucous is encapsulated, helping to ensure the proper flow of lymphatic fluid.  Wheatgrass juice helps to breakdown the mucous and allow it to drain.  This helps to relieve pressure and allow healing.
  • BODY HEALING:  According to Survival of the 21st Century, "In therapeutic amounts, it will detoxify the body by increasing the elimination of hardened mucous, crystallized acids and solidified, decaying fecal matter.  Wheatgrass juice's high enzyme content helps dissolve tumors.  It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional environment.  Wheatgrass juice can also be used as a poultice or wash, stimulating healthy new cells and fighting infections."
If you haven't tried wheatgrass juice yet, why not?
Add it in to a green smoothie to boost its nutritional value!  If you have tried it before what do you think? Was it one time or do you use it on a regular basis? 

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