With being done with the Ultimate Reset that means a couple things. One being I get to work out again!!! and the other I get to take my Shakeology again!!!! 
I LOVE my Green Berry shakeology blended with a bunch of ice and some mint. I get 1 1/2 glasses out of my shakeology as I love my ice and how I make it its only 140 calories since it just some mint extract and a scoop of shakeology!!!  and is soooo filling. This stuff is some serious power in a glass with over 70 super foods !!!

This stuff has so many benefits! Over 100 doctors back shakeolgy, what other shake can say that?  Want to order your self some AWESOME in a glass? maybe find out some more information of the PURE AWESOMENESS that is Shakeology??? Click the Image below! 
Lets play a guessing game! ( Who doesn't like games right?)
 The name of the game Guess how much a full fridge of veggies cost for two people to feed them for a week? ( 3 meals a day) ...( not included is Quinoa, brown rice, pinto beans, and chick peas- all together those add to about $10 for a full bag of each *hint- with only costing what is used its under $6! ) 
Tick...Tick....Tick.....Tick.... RRRRRRRRRR
Times up! 
The answer is $84. Yes that's right and that's to feed two people so total cost is $44 and some change PER person. That's not to shabby in my book! There is over 35 fruits/vegetables in that fridge as well. What a variety right!?!?!  I have so many colors in my fridge right now !  Let me tell you I am NOT going hungry this week either!  an example of what a dinner looks like is this!
Roasted red pepper and sweat potato bisque, and Asparagus  baked/broiled with almonds. YUMO!  Soup was sooo simple to make and under 300 Calories! Asparagus is just tossed in some EVOO ( extra virgin olive oil) Himalayan Sea salt, and pepper and about 65-70 calories!  Easy right! Its filling , simple, low calorie, and HEALTHY!